Right Worshipful Master in 1973-74, David brought great distinction to the lodge when he was installed as Provincial Grand Master of Fife and Kinross in 2002, succeeding the Earl of Elgin and Kincardine, who had served as Provincial Grand Master for 45 years.
David was further honoured by the Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason in 2008, when he was commissionedand installed as Substitute Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Scotland.
David is representative of the United Grand Lodge of Queensland at the Grand Lodge of Scotland, and is an Honorary Senior Grand Warden of that Grand Lodge. He is also Proxy District Grand Master of North Island, New Zealand
On 13th June 2013, David was appointed and installed as Depute Master in his affiliate Lodge (Sir Robert Moray No 1641) by the new R.W.M. Sir Archie Orr Ewing.

Lodge Sir Robert Moray No. 1641
Our Past Provincial Grand Master Bro. David Wishart was installed into the Chair of Lodge Sir Robert Moray No.1641 in the Province of Edinburgh on Thursday 12th June 2014.
The Installation Ceremony was conducted in the presence of the Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason by Bro. Ewan Rutherford, Provincial Grand Master of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Edinburgh along with Bro. Purdie PM of Lodge Sir Robert Moray No.1641.
With our own Provincial Grand Master Bro. Andrew Paterson presenting the charge to the newly Installed RWM.
Photograph and script provided by Bro. Gordon Michie SPGM.

Past Masters of the Lodge at the Installation of Brother David Wishart as Provincial Grand Master of Fife and Kinross, on 18th May 2002 at Cupar.
(click on images to enlarge)

Past Master Bro. David Wishart turned the clock back 30 years when he installed Past Master Bro. John Lawlor back into the chair on Saturday 7th January 2017.