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Jack was Initiated into Lodge St John 540 on 5th September 1973, Passed on 19th September 1973, and Raised on 7th November 1973. He received his Mark on 17th April 1974.

Jack worked his way through all of the progressive offices and was RWM of Lodge St. John 540 in 1983 and 1984.

Since then, he has served the Lodge as Treasurer for a number of years and went on to become Director of Ceremonies, an office he held for many, many years.

Jack also became our Right Worshipful Mark Master for a number of years, a job that he made his own, and which will be a very hard act to follow.

Jack and his Good Lady, Grace, has also supported this Lodge over the years at various functions and social events.

It is with some sadness however, that the Lodge realises that it is only due to ill health that he is unable to carry on as an Office Bearer, but we still enjoy his support and friendship at regular meetings.

In recognition of the 40 odd years of dedication and distinguished service he has given to Lodge 540, it was the most sincere wish of the brethren that this should be acknowledged.

It was a great honour and a privilege for me to present Jack, with a Distinguished Service Diploma, along with a token of our immense appreciation of his services to our Lodge.

Sadly  Jack passed to the Grand Lodge Above on 18th September, 2020.

Bro.Hugh William Martin PM

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